FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: Pets
Dec 24, 2020

Holiday Family Fun

It’s been a weird year to get into the holiday spirit. With everything working against a carefree holiday season, I find myself leaning into making new traditions and celebrating the old, homebound ones I can.

Madrid: The Charm of an Authentic City

They say Madrid is in vogue for many reasons: its lifestyle, its heritage, its cuisine and all of its new attractions. And it’s true, because Madrid is on the radar of travelers looking for a cutting-edge destination that still holds onto its essence. Join us as we explore its charms.

Nov 16, 2020

Introducing Duke

As my travel schedule slowed to a crawl in 2020, I did what millions of Americans did during quarantine, searching for love and distraction — I adopted a puppy! I personally believe adopting or rescuing a dog/cat/animal is the best and most responsible way to find a new furry friend. I was lucky enough to have a robust adoption non-profit close by, The Wagmor.

Jun 29, 2020

On the Wild Side

Within five minutes of moving to our new house in North Carolina, my daughter had caught a little green anole, something we could only see in pet stores in Pennsylvania. And it was the start of a week of discoveries. We discovered the big rocks often seen in the middle of the road around here are never rocks — they’re turtles — snapping turtles, box turtles, you name it and they cross the roads here every day. Then I kept hearing what sounded like a duck quacking in my back yard. Turns out I was hearing a cute little green tree frog, not a duck at all!

United Airlines First to Purchase Sustainable Aviation Fuel for ORD

Chicago O’Hare International Airport will soon receive sustainable aviation fuel, all thanks to United Airlines, which became the first airline to purchase SAF for use at the airport, one of the largest in the United States. Neste, a producer of SAF, will provide up to 1 million gallons of its Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel. The first supply arrived in August.

Nov 12, 2019

Traveling With Pets

When you work in the travel industry or have a job that requires you to be on the road all the time, it can be tricky to figure out what is best for your pet(s). Confirming all of your flight and hotel arrangements can be a daunting task in and of itself, but once you add a pet to the mix, it can easily get overwhelming.