Tag: cathedral
Celebrating Easter in a Nontraditional Way
Each year, my family and I celebrate the Easter holiday in a traditionally Catholic way. My itinerary for the time with my family usually consists of a blessing of the Easter basket with my grandmother and mother; two meals fully prepared (and cleaned up) at my childhood home; and Mass. This year, I surprised my mom with tickets to the Cher concert in Philadelphia, so instead of hunting for eggs, we hunted for fabulous restaurants and prepared for a whimsical weekend.
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Sailing the Ionian Sea: Explore Greece’s Nautical Gems
Sailing the Ionian Sea is an enchanting way to experience Greece's breathtaking islands and pristine waters. Known for its favorable winds, calm seas and stunning landscapes, the Ionian Sea offers a paradise for both experienced sailors and those looking to explore for the first time. From lively beaches to secluded bays, these waters have something for every traveler seeking adventure and relaxation.
Spending Time in St. Louis
My friends and I spent a fun weekend in St. Louis. Of course, for us that means a couple of baseball games. Usually on trips I cheer for the home team. However, the Cardinals were playing my hometown Cubs. Since the Cardinals won all three games, maybe I should have just rooted for the home team.