FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Class Act Guide 2014
Magazine / Editorial
Dec 9, 2014

Airport Terminal Update

Gleaming acres of glass and marble are neither here nor there. Although international airports represent the gateways to the cities they serve, all too often they seem to merge into one another. There is little sense of place. Modern travelers find themselves moving through a homogenized, global “Transitland.”

Madrid: The Charm of an Authentic City

They say Madrid is in vogue for many reasons: its lifestyle, its heritage, its cuisine and all of its new attractions. And it’s true, because Madrid is on the radar of travelers looking for a cutting-edge destination that still holds onto its essence. Join us as we explore its charms.

Magazine / Issues
Dec 9, 2014

More Than An Airport, Beyond Expectation

In just 13 years, Incheon Airport has grown from a green-field gateway on the outskirts of Seoul into one of the most successful and large-scale airports in Asia. Its design, state-of-the-art IT system and customer-friendly facilities transformed Incheon Airport into a passenger favorite in a short period of time.