FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
May 2013
2013 / May 2013
May 1, 2013

Los Angeles’ Hotel Bel-Air

Arrival/Check-In: Upon arriving at the Hotel Bel-Air, I was directed over a bridge to reception. It was like walking through a tropical paradise with gardens all around. The bridge provided a view of a pond and three beautiful swans (Hercules, Athena and Chloe).

Madrid: The Charm of an Authentic City

They say Madrid is in vogue for many reasons: its lifestyle, its heritage, its cuisine and all of its new attractions. And it’s true, because Madrid is on the radar of travelers looking for a cutting-edge destination that still holds onto its essence. Join us as we explore its charms.

2013 / May 2013
May 1, 2013

Bjørn Kjos, CEO, Norwegian Air Shuttle

Name: Bjørn Kjos Title: CEO Company, city: Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA; Oslo, Norway Number of employees: 3,000 Recent project: Setting up a base of operations in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria; London; and Alicante, Spain First job: I was in the military Special Forces. I also served as an Air Force pilot. Little-known fact about you: I published a spy thriller, The Murmansk Affair, in 2007.