FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
June-July 2006
2006 / June-July 2006
Jul 1, 2006

Lake Geneva: Sunny Disposition

It’s all about the wine.

Madrid: The Charm of an Authentic City

They say Madrid is in vogue for many reasons: its lifestyle, its heritage, its cuisine and all of its new attractions. And it’s true, because Madrid is on the radar of travelers looking for a cutting-edge destination that still holds onto its essence. Join us as we explore its charms.

2006 / June-July 2006
Jul 1, 2006

Chicago: Everyone’s Kind Of Town

There’s nothing “second” about the city that gave birth to the modern skyscraper, the Twinkie, the Ferris wheel, the “Oprah Winfrey Show,” and, of course, the Second City Comedy Club. Chicago’s hard-working, salt-of-the-earth image is earning “street cred” for its inventiveness, endless energy, enthusiasm for the good things in life, plus an attitude-free modesty that makes it one of the country’s most livable cities.